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Thursday, November 10, 9:30 am in room MTH 3206, University of Maryland, College Park

On the numerical solution of the heat equation in unbounded domains

Prof. Leslie Greengard

Department of Mathematics
New York University-Courant Institute
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012-1110

Many problems in applied mathematics require the solution of the heat equation in unbounded domains. Integral equation methods are particularly appropriate for the solution of such problems for several reasons: they are unconditionally stable, they are insensitive to the complexity of the geometry, and they do not require the artificial truncation of the computational domain as do finite difference and finite element techniques.

Methods of this type, however, have not become widespread due to the high cost of evaluating heat potentials. When m points are used in the discretization of the initial data, M points are used in the discretization of the boundary and N time steps are computed, an amount of work of the order O(N^2 M^2 + NM m) has traditionally been required.

In this talk, we present an algorithm which requires an amount of work of the order O(NM log M + m) and which is based on the evolution of the continuous spectrum of the solution. The method is a generalization of the technique developed by Greengard and Strain for evaluating layer potentials in bounded domains.