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Thursday, February 23, 9:30 am in room MTH 3206, University of Maryland, College Park

On the Computation of Higher-Order Derivatives with the Boundary Element Method

Prof. W. L. Wendland

Mathematisches Institut A
University of Stuttgart, Germany

In combination with the original elliptic partial differential equation and the boundary conditions, derivatives of the generalized Green's representation formula yield a bootstrapping algorithm for the extraction of higher-order Cauchy data on the boundary involving singular boundary integral operators in terms of Hadamard's finite parts. A characterization of related commutator operators in terms of their pseudo-homogeneous kernel expansions allows to compute arbitrarily high-order derivatives of the solution along the boundary with the same asymptotic order of convergence as for the desired Cauchy datum in the original boundary integral equation provided the boundary surface is sufficiently smooth. For polynomial surface approximation and an explicitly given fundamental solution, the necessary kernel expansions can be computed automatically by symbolic manipulation.

This is joint work with C. Schwab.