Gaussian Random Fields In Splus

Boris & Sandra Kozintsev, Benjamin Kedem, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, 1999.

This web page contains Splus functions for generating stationary [not necessarily isotropic] Gaussian random fields over regular grids, and for clipping and visualizing them. There is also a section on computing the Matérn covariance.

The related resources are

Generating Gaussian Random Fields

To generate a realization of the stationary Gaussian random field, you need to provide a covariance function, in the form function (x, y, theta1, theta2, tau). This function depends on (x, y) -- the vector difference between the points where the covariance is computed, and on (theta1, theta2, tau) -- the covariance parameters. For example, consider the Spherical covariance function,

The corresponding Splus code is

   sphercov <- function (x, y, theta1, theta2, tau) {  
      d <- sqrt (x^2 + y^2)  
      ifelse (d < theta1,
             (1- 1.5*(d/theta1)+0.5*(d/theta1)^3) / tau,

Note that the covariance function must be able to accept vectors for x and y.

Next, copy-and-paste the two following functions into your Splus session.

  embed <- function (n1, n2, covfun, theta1, theta2, tau) {       
      xf <- rep (c(rep(1, n2), 0, n2:2), n1)       
      yf <- rep (c(1:n2, 0, rep(1, n2-1)), n1) +       
            n2 * 0:(2*n1*n2 - 1) %/% (2*n2)       
      xb <- rep (c(rep(n1*n2 - n2 + 1, n2), 0,       
            (n1*n2):(n1*n2 - n2 + 2)), n1 - 1) -       
            n2 * 0:(2*(n1 - 1)*n2 - 1) %/% (2*n2)       
      yb <- rep (c(1:n2, 0, rep(1, n2 - 1)), n1 - 1)       
      indexX <- c(xf, rep(0, 2*n2), xb)       
      indexY <- c(yf, rep(0, 2*n2), yb)       
      z <- indexX==0 | indexY==0       
      x1 <- (indexX-1) %/% n2 + 1       
      y1 <- (indexX-1) %% n2 + 1       
      x2 <- (indexY-1) %/% n2 + 1       
      y2 <- (indexY-1) %% n2 + 1       
      ifelse (z, 0, covfun (x1-x2, y1-y2, theta1, theta2, tau))   
   genField <- function (n1, n2, covfun, theta1, theta2, tau) {  
      v <- embed(n1, n2, covfun, theta1, theta2, tau)  
      V <- matrix(v, ncol=2*n2, byrow=T)  
      LAMBDA <- fft(V, inverse=T)  
      if (sum(LAMBDA<0)) stop ("\nNegative embedding! \nUse larger grid!")   
      sqlambda <- sqrt(Re(c(t(LAMBDA))))  
      epsilon <- rnorm(4*n1*n2, 0, sqlambda) +  
              1i*rnorm(4*n1*n2, 0, sqlambda)  
      EPSILON <- matrix(epsilon, ncol=2*n2, byrow=T)  
      W <- fft(EPSILON, inverse=T) / sqrt(4*n1*n2)  
      w <- Re(c(t(W)))  
      indexZ <- rep(1:n2, n1) + 2*n2 * 0:(n1*n2-1) %/% n2  
      matrix (w[indexZ], ncol=n2, byrow=T)  

Once you have the functions cov, embed, and genField, you are ready to generate Gaussian random fields. For example, to generate a 128x128 sample with Spherical(100, 1, 1) correlation, type
z <- genField (128, 128, sphercov, 100, 1, 1)
This will put a 128x128 matrix with the desired field into z. Now you can view it by typing
persp (z)
image (z)

A Note On Negative Embedding

The algorithm carried out by the above functions works only if the covariance decreases sufficiently fast, so that the covariance between the points on the opposite sides of the grid is almost zero. Otherwise you get the "Negative embedding" error. For example, it is impossible to generate
z <- genField (13, 13, sphercov, 100, 1, 1)
Instead, you must generate a larger field, and take a portion of it of the desired size. This is OK to do since the field is stationary. Simply type
z <- genField (128, 128, sphercov, 100, 1, 1)
z <- z[1:13, 1:13]
Also note that it is faster to generate n x k fields where both n and k are powers of two.

Visualizing Random Fields

PPM image format is convenient for experiments, since PPM files are easy to create. See
man pages for the definition of the format. Once the PPM file is created, one can open it in the xv program and convert to a more familiar GIF format.

We suggest two functions for writing random fields into PPM images. The first function converts continuous (e.g. Gaussian) data into levels of gray.
  writePPM <- function (field, filename){  
     if (length(dim(field)) != 2) stop ("\nField must be a matrix!")  
     fmin <- min(c(field))  
     fmax <- max(c(field))  
     seg <- (fmax-fmin)/255  
     greylev <- round((c(field)-fmin) / seg)  
     cat ("P3", dim(field), "255", sep="\n",  
          file=filename, append=F)  
     write (t(cbind(greylev, greylev, greylev)), ncol=15,  
     file=filename, append=T)  

For example, if z is a realization of the Gaussian random field, as returned by the genField function, you can type
writePPM (z, "file.ppm")
at Splus prompt to create the file called file.ppm. You can then view it by typing
!xv file.ppm &

The second function is for clipping random fields and coloring the resulting discrete field. To use it, you must first download the file colors.txt and put it into the directory from which you start Splus. Then copy-and-paste the following code:
   writeClippedPPM <- function (field, thresholds, colors, filename) {
     if (length(dim(field)) != 2)
         stop ("\nField must be a matrix!")
     n <- length(colors)
     if (n != length(thresholds)+1)
         stop("\n#thresholds must be \n #colors less one!")
     colorDef <- dget("colors.txt")
     z <- c(field)
     qz <- matrix (rep(colorDef[colors[n],], length(z)),
                   ncol=3, byrow=T)
     indz <- z < thresholds[1]
     len <- sum(indz)
     qz[indz,] <- c(rep(colorDef[colors[1], 1], len),
     rep(colorDef[colors[1], 2], len),
     rep(colorDef[colors[1], 3], len))
     if (n>2)
         for (i in 1:(n-2)) {
              indz <- z < thresholds[i+1] & z > thresholds[i]
              len <- sum(indz)
              qz[indz,] <- c(rep(colorDef[colors[i+1], 1], len),
                             rep(colorDef[colors[i+1], 2], len),
                             rep(colorDef[colors[i+1], 3], len))
     cat ("P3", dim(field), "255", sep="\n", file=filename, append=F)
     write (t(qz), ncol=15, file=filename, append=T)

Now you can type
writeClippedPPM (z,
                 c(-0.43, 0.43),
                 c("dodger blue", "white", "grey"),         
This means that you are clipping the random field stored in z at two thresholds, -0.43 and 0.43. Naturally, this results in a three color image. The particular colors to use are specified in the third parameter to the function. Note that the number of colors always exceeds the number of thresholds by one. You can browse the file colors.txt (near the end) to find out what color names are defined. Finally, the resulting image will be stored in the file sky.ppm.

To view the resulting image, type
!xv sky.ppm &

Computing the Matérn Covariance

The Matérn covariance is given by

We show how to evaluate it in Splus.
Now, to view a realization of the Gaussian random field with Matérn(6, 2, 1) covariance, type
z <- genField (128, 128, matcov, 6, 2, 1)
persp (z)