SOLUTION TO Homework 11, Assigned 10/16/17, due 10/25, 6pm ============================================== 14 points Consider the dataset of 123 (uncensored) failure-time observations obtained by downloading exa1 = read.csv("", header=T) and retaining only uncensored equipment failure times failtim = exa1$time[exa1$fail=="F"] Common distributions used to describe failure-time data are Gamma and logNormal, both 2-parameter distributions. (a) Fit lognormal(mu,sig) and Gamma(a,b) densities to these data by the method of maximum likelihood. We refer to the 2-dimensional parameter for these models as theta > summary(failtim) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 3.00 6.50 12.00 19.35 22.50 114.00 > fitLN = optim( c(mean(log(failtim)), var(log(failtim))*122/123), function(th,times) (length(times)/2)*log(th[2]) + sum((times-th[1])^2)/(2*th[2]), times = log(failtim), control=list(reltol=1e-10), hessian=T) > c(mean(log(failtim)), var(log(failtim))*122/123) [1] 2.5667004 0.7675048 > fitLN $par [1] 2.5667004 0.7675048 $value [1] 45.22645 $counts function gradient 65 NA $convergence [1] 0 $message NULL $hessian [,1] [,2] [1,] 160.2596 0.000 [2,] 0.0000 104.404 > fitGA = optim( (fitLN$par[1]/fitLN$par[2])*c(fitLN$par[1],1), function(th,times) -sum(log(dgamma(times,th[1],th[2]))), times = failtim, control=list(reltol=1e-10), hessian=T) > fitGA $par [1] 1.4062916 0.0726761 $value [1] 483.4367 $counts function gradient 97 NA $convergence [1] 0 $message NULL $hessian [,1] [,2] [1,] 125.3579 -1692.548 [2,] -1692.5477 32761.351 (b) For each of the distributions fitted in (a), display the (empirical, or observed) Fisher Information matrices A, and compare these with the alternative-form matrices B given by (1/n) sum_{i=1}^n v_i v_i^{tr} where v_i is the gradient of the log-density evaluated at the i'th data-value X_i and the MLE parameter value. ### The empirical per-observation Fisher information matrices (matrices A) were given above, > fitLN$hessian/123 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1.302923 0.0000000 [2,] 0.000000 0.8488134 > fitGA$hessian/123 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1.01917 -13.76055 [2,] -13.76055 266.35245 ### The corresponding matrices B for the two models are as follows. > xvec = (log(failtim)-fitLN$par[1])/fitLN$par[2] gradLN = cbind(xvec, 0.5*(-1/fitLN$par[2] + xvec^2) ) Bmat.LN = (1/123)*(t(gradLN) %*% gradLN) > Bmat.LN xvec xvec 1.302923 0.2177550 0.217755 0.5446037 > gradGA = cbind( log(fitGA$par[2]*failtim) - digamma(fitGA$par[1]), fitGA$par[1]/fitGA$par[2] - failtim ) Bmat.GA = (1/123)*(t(gradGA) %*% gradGA) > Bmat.GA [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.7675048 -15.14836 [2,] -15.1483627 375.75583 ### In both of these A versus B matrix comparisons, there seems to be clear inequality !! ### (c) ### For Lognormal model we found point estimators > fitLN$par [1] 2.5667004 0.7675048 ### for which we would estimate variance-covariance > solve(fitLN$hess) ### if we though the LN model were properly specified [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.006239876 0.000000000 [2,] 0.000000000 0.009578173 ### and otherwise (in misspecified case) the "robustified" version > solve(fitLN$hess) %*% (123*Bmat.LN) %*% solve(fitLN$hess) [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.006239876 0.001600781 [2,] 0.001600781 0.006145412 ### very different in [2,2] element for var(sigsq) ##For the Gamma model, we have point estimators > fitGA$par [1] 1.4062916 0.0726761 ## and would report if properly specified a variance matrix > solve(fitGA$hess) [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.026374164 0.001362567 [2,] 0.001362567 0.000100918 ### and in robustified (misspecified-model) setting the variance matrix > solve(fitGA$hess) %*% (123*Bmat.GA) %*% solve(fitGA$hess) [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.01755671 0.0013292802 [2,] 0.00132928 0.0001335505 ### which is really quite close to the inverse observed Fisher Info for the Gamma model!! ### But this is less an indicator of good fit than happenstance in this problem, (d) Overplot the histogram for the log-transformed data with the density curves for your fitted models (a) (in blue) and (b) (in red), and label your picture appropriately with x and y axis labels, a title, and a "legend" showing which line is associated with which model. > hist(log(failtim), prob=T, xlab="log failtim", ylab="density", main=paste("Hist of log failtim Data Overplotted \n", "with 2 fitted transformed Densities"), ylim=c(0,0.55), xlim=c(1,6)) curve(dnorm(x,fitLN$par[1],fitLN$par[2]), add=T, col="blue") curve(exp(x)*dgamma(exp(x),fitGA$par[1],fitGA$par[2]), add=T, col="red", lty=3) legend(locator(), legend=c("Fitted LogNormal", "Fitted Gamma"), lty=c(1,3), col=c("blue","red")) ## saved as "FailTimPic.pdf" ### (e) Both models look as though they fit quite poorly for these data ! If I had to ### choose, I would choose based on the closeness of the histogram versus overplotted ### density, in which case lognormal looks somewhat better, and a chi-squared test based on several cells such as [0,1.5), [1.5,2.5), [2.5,4), [4,6] will show this. > diff(c(0,sum(log(failtim)<=1.5), sum(log(failtim)<= 2.5), sum(log(failtim)<=4), sum(log(failtim)<=6))) [1] 14 50 50 9 > chisq.test(diff(c(0,sum(log(failtim)<=1.5), sum(log(failtim)<= 2.5), sum(log(failtim)<=4), sum(log(failtim)<=6))), p=diff(c(0,pnorm(c(1.5,2.5,4,Inf), 2.5667004, sqrt(0.7675048))))) Chi-squared test for given probabilities data: diff(c(0, sum(log(failtim) <= 1.5), sum(log(failtim) <= 2.5), sum(log(failtim) <= 4), sum(log(failtim) <= 6))) X-squared = 3.3756, df = 3, p-value = 0.3373 > chisq.test(diff(c(0,sum(log(failtim)<=1.5), sum(log(failtim)<= 2.5), sum(log(failtim)<=4), sum(log(failtim)<=6))), p=diff(c(0,pgamma(exp(c(1.5,2.5,4,10)), 1.4062916, 0.0726761)))) Chi-squared test for given probabilities data: diff(c(0, sum(log(failtim) <= 1.5), sum(log(failtim) <= 2.5), sum(log(failtim) <= 4), sum(log(failtim) <= 6))) X-squared = 15.464, df = 3, p-value = 0.00146 ### NOTE that neither of these chi-squared p-values is correct, because the degrees ### of freedom are reduced by the number of estimated parameters and even then, ### only if the estimated parameters are the MLEsbased on the counts in the intervals alone!