Homework Problem 13, Due Monday March 1. ---------------------------------------- RECALL from class that for a continuous function f(t) defined on the interval [a,a+2*h], (i) the Trapezoid Rule approximates the integral of f on [a,a+h] by: (h/2)*(f(a)+f(a+h)) ; and (ii) Simpson's Rule approximates the integral of f on [a,a+2h] by: (h/3)*(f(a)+4*f(a+h)+f(a+2h)). ----------------------------------------------------- Using first the trapezoid rule and then Simpson's rule, code a function which will tabulate the cumulative distribution function F at regularly spaced points seq(a,b,by=(b-a)/m) for a density function f WHICH IS SPECIFIED AS AN INPUT PARAMETER. Your function should have input arguments a,b,m,f and output a vector closely approximating F(seq(a,b,by=(b-a)/m)). Test to make sure that your function works !