Homework Problem 20, Due Wednesday April 7. ------------------------------------------ Hand in edited SAS code and portions of outputs (but NOT the data!) showing that you have accomplished the following tasks in SAS. (i) Input and create and save a SAS dataset from the (compressed) ASCII dataset in the Data directory of the course web-page http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s798c/Data/SASsales.asc.gz The third and fourth columns ("Rep" and "Type") should be alphabetic (character)type data; the other columns should be numeric. (ii) Using PROC TABULATE: find and display in an edited SAS-created output table the average amount sold by each Rep, by Qtr. That is, find and display in a SAS output table the average of all of the sales amounts (= Units*Price) for each combination of (Qtr, Rep). (iii) Using PROC SORT, PROC PRINT, and appropriate DATA steps, Print out the first 15 lines of the data for Standard units, and all of the data for Deluxe units, in each case sorted by Month and Rep.