Topics for Stat 770 In-Class Test, Mon. Apr. 13, 2003 ===================================================== As discussed in class, the topic coverage for the in-class test on 4/13/03 is as follows: (1) Definitions of Hypotheses and Parameters, test statistics and CI's for 2X2 Tables. (Notion of test-based CI was also extensively used in class.) Typical test question might be to construct Wald-type CI's for risk-difference, relative risk, or odds-ratio parameters, or to use displayed or tabulated statistic values for various null-hypothetical parameter values to define test-based interval. (2) Chi-Square (X^2) and Likelihood-Ratio Tests for Independence in contingency tables. Typical test question might be to give and justify the large-sample behavior (by appealing to standard theorems) of hypothesis test of independence or partial independence within IxJ table. (3) GLM definitions, setting up hypotheses. Typical test question might be to define a model and hypothesis test for a qualtitative hypothesis like constant odds ratio across 2x2xK tables in terms of GLM parameters, and to specify the alternative against which the test gives power. (4) SAS implementation, outputs for all of above. Typical test question might be to interpret a GLM output giving deviances for a GLM model-fit. (5) Newton-Raphson Fisher Scoring, IRLS (Iteratively re-weighted least squares) for GLM Log-likehihood. Test question might be to specify the difference between these (in formulas) or to calculate an iteration for each one by hand in a simple explicit GLM case. A SAMPLE TEST WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AROUND APRIL 8.