M files for Working Analysis

This is a collection of Mfiles that implement several computational methods discussed in the text. The instructions for use are at the beginning of each file.

Chapter 3

The code golden.m implements the method of golden section search.

Chapter 6

The code fixed1.m illustrates functional iteration for the function f(x) = cx(1-x). The code newton1.m is a newton code for functions of one variable.

Chapter 11
The code fixed2.m performs functional iteration in two dimensions. User must provide inline functions f(x,y) and g(x,y).

The codes newton2.m and newton3.m illustrate Newton's method in two and three systems. The user provides the functions as inline functions and the codes compute the Jacobian matrix symbolically.

The code newton4.m implements Newton's method in dimensions 1,2,3 and 4. The user writes the functions as strings in any choise of variables, eg., a,b,p, and v. The code computes the Jabcobian matrix symbolically and then converts to numerical mode for the computation.

Mfiles for the functions p and q of section 11.6 (equation 11.35).

Chapter 12
A very crude implementation of the method of steepest descent in two dimenions. The user must provide the function as an inline function, and the code computes the gradient symbolically.