Stat 100, Section 0103: Course Description

Course title: Elementary Statistics and Probability
Class time: MWF 12-12:50
Class location: Math 0106
Course website: Go to and click "Stat 100".
(NOTE: important course information will be posted on the website.)

Instructor: Professor Mike Boyle (
Office: 4413 Math
Phone: 301-405-5135
Office hours: M2, Th4.   (I'm also usually available for a while after class.)

Textbook: Johnson and Bhattacharyya, "Statistics: Principles and Methods" (4th Ed.), J. Wiley
Syllabus: We will cover Chapters 1-2, 4-10 and 13, skipping some sections as indicated in the detailed schedule of work. There will also be MINITAB work and a few handouts.

The weighting in your grade points will be
(Point totals will be normalized to these weights.)
(I will drop your two worst quizzes. There will be no makeup quizzes.)

Course Grades.
Here is the correspondence of course grade and percentage of possible points scored: A 90-100%, B 80-89%, C 70-79%, D 60-69%. F 0-59%. It is possible (but by no means assured) that the curve might be relaxed. The easy way to pile up points is on MINITAB and quizzes.

Makeup Exams.
Let us avoid them. Your excuse for missing a midterm must be excellent if you are to have a makeup opportunity. You should contact me as soon as possible if you miss a midterm. If you know in advance you cannot miss a midterm, you must tell me in advance (and it will then be easier to arrange something).

Homework and Quizzes. Homework is very important. The real learning goes on through your active efforts. Except for the MINITAB assignments, little or no homework will be handed in; however, homework will be heavily tested on quizzes and exams. The purpose of the quizzes is to motivate you to keep up with the homework.

Homework solutions on reserve. Five copies of a manual of worked solutions to virtually all homework problems are on two-hour reserve in the EPSL Library, under the name Professor Boyle. These cannot be checked out overnight and the fine for returning the manual late is painful. Let me know if there is any access problem to the manuals.

Enrollment restriction. Credit will be given for only one of the two courses, STAT 100 and MATH 111. Students who have completed MATH 111 or any STAT, MAPT or MATH course with a prerequisite of MATH 141 may not obtain credit for STAT 100.

Academic integrity. Be familiar with the University's code of academic integrity .

Disabilities. If you have some disability related to testing under the usual timed, in-class conditions, you may contact the office of Disabled Students Services (DSS) in Shoemaker. If they assess you as meriting private conditions and/or extra time, then you may arrange to take your tests at DSS, with extra time as they indicate. You must arrange this well in advance of a test (in particular: no retakes).