Math 410-0201     Fall 2012
Course Description

Course title: Advanced Calculus I
Class time TuTh 2:00 - 3:15
Class location: CHM (CHEMISTRY), Room 0122

Professor: Mike Boyle
Office: Room 4413, Math Building
Phone: 301-405-5135
Office hours: M4, Th11. (I also usually have some time after class.)

Prerequisites. MATH 240 and MATH 241 with grade of C or better, and permission of department.

Required text: Advanced Calculus, Patrick M. Fitzpatrick, Second Edition

Course page: Homework and other information will be posted on the course page.

Syllabus. I plan to cover from the text pp. 1-4, Appendix A and almost all of Chapters 1-9. There will be some additional material also.

Grading. (The possible points in each category will be normalized at the end to give the corresponding percentages.)

Course Grades. Here is a grading curve: A 85-100%, B 75-84%, C 65-74%, D 55-64%. F 0-54%. It is possible that the curve will be relaxed, but it won't be made tougher.

Conflicts. If you know before an exam that you have a schedule conflict, contact me in advance.

On-line grades. We will use the online gradesheet provided by the mathematics department. After giving me an alias you will be able to see your grades from a link I'll put on the course website.

Expectations/philosophy. You are expected to come to class, do the homework, and most important of all be actively engaged in trying to understand. Tips for success: I will use coursemail to email the class. You are responsible for reading this email. If you aren't getting the email, give me your email address to add to the mailing.

Academic integrity in this class. (Follow the link.)

Religious observances. If your religion dictates that you cannot take an exam or hand in assigned work on a particular date, then contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss alternatives. You are responsible for making these arrangements at the beginning of the semester.

Disabilities. If you have some disability related to testing under the usual timed, in-class conditions, you may contact the office of Disabled Students Services (DSS) in Shoemaker. If they assess you as meriting private conditions and/or extra time, then you may arrange to take your tests at DSS, with extra time as they indicate. You must arrange this well in advance of a test (in particular: no retakes). Click to Disability Support Services for further information.

The course MATH 410. MATH 410 is a gateway to higher mathematics and probably the most fundamental undergraduate course a math major takes. At last: we argue, think and prove in the way that mathematicians do. If you succeed in MATH 410, you then you can handle undergraduate mathematics and have taken one of the biggest steps toward becoming a matematician. Success in MATH 410 requires a personal immersion in the material and homework. You have to be willing to struggle with reading and problems until understanding comes. By far the greater part of this will happen outside of class. I won't cover in class all the things you must read and understand: In class, we will do some complicated things. But I am thinking of class more for giving context, interpretation, extra material, things that will help the reading and homework, and answering questions. Because the reading is so important, quizzes will often have questions based on material in sections not covered in class (at least yet). Excellent reasons for missing class or not reading are addressed as follows: I will drop the lowest two quiz scores.