Example for interpolation


Interpolation with seven equidistant nodes

We approximate the function f(x) = 1/(1+x^2) on the interval [-3,3] using the seven equidistant nodes -3,...,3.

The interpolation error f(x)-p(x) is small in the center, but very large near the endpoints of the interval [-3,3].

f = @(x) 1./(1+x.^2);                  % define function f (using ./ and .^ , so it also works for vectors x)
xp = -3:.001:3;                        % use these x values for plotting
x = -3:3;                              % equidistant nodes -3,-2,...,2,3
y = f(x);                              % find values of f at nodes x
d = divdiff(x,y);                      % use divided difference algorithm to find coefficients d
yp = evnewt(d,x,xp);                   % evaluate interpolating polynomial at points xp
plot(xp,f(xp),xp,yp,x,y,'ko'); grid on % plot function f and interpolating polynomial, mark given points with black 'o'
title('f(x)=(1+x^2)^{-1} and interpolating polynomial p(x)')