Optimization: Function of 1 variable


Example function

We want to find a local minimum of f(x) = sin(5x)+x^2. This function has several local minima.

f = @(x) sin(5*x) + x.^2;
X = -2:.01:2;
plot(X,f(X)); hold on

Using fminbnd

x = fminbnd(f,a,b) finds a local minimum in a given interval [a,b].

We obtain the minimal function value -0.9086 at the point x2 = -0.2908.

x1 = fminbnd(f,-2,-1)     % find local minimum in [-2,-1]
y1 = f(x1)

x2 = fminbnd(f,-1,0)      % find local minimum in [-1,0]
y2 = f(x2)

x3 = fminbnd(f,0,1)       % find local minimum in [0,1]
y3 = f(x3)

hold off
x1 =
y1 =
x2 =
y2 =
x3 =
y3 =