General: 663

General: 664



P6: Methods for comparing microbial communities

Author: James Robert White , Advisor :Mihai Pop (CS and CBCB)

Problem Statement Presentation

Project Proposal


We propose the development of new software to statistically determine differentially abundant taxa between two populations. Using only randomly selected 16S rDNAs from environmental samples, our goal is to assign each sequence to its appropriate taxon and analyze a taxa abundance matrix to find significantly overrepresented or underrepresented groups between two populations. Our problem is analogous to finding differentially expressed genes, and we aim to modify and implement methods already in practice in the microarray community. Specifically, we shall use the false discovery rate (FDR) and its corresponding measurement, the q-value, to control the number of false positives that frequently occur when performing many hypothesis tests.

MidYear Progress Report and Presentation

Final Presentation , Final Report