Suggestions for Term Paper or Project Topics at the dnd of STAT 770, Spr 2024 ============================================================================= 3/31/2024 • CAUSAL INFERENCE / relation to misspecified models for missing data • MISSING DATA: dependent censoring IN SURVIVAL Analaysis OR NMAR (Not Missing at Random) data in SAMPLING • LATENT CLASS MODELS -- This is a very broad and extensive topic, within which many more restricted papers and applications can be found. • Statistical computing --- mixed models for multicategory logistic regression -- this topic is introduced (with EM and Bayes ideas for computing) in the course. Heading (9) in the Handouts section of the web-page mentions relevant R-packages, but so far R does not handle this topic satisfactorily. • Discrete Data Time Series / Copula or Autoregression techniques, following one of the papers of Konstantinos Fokianos (former student of Prof. Benjamin Kedem): Konstantinos Fokianos, Dag Tjøstheim (2011), "Log-linear Poisson autoregression", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 102, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 563-578, ISSN 0047-259X, • Discrete-Data Meta-Analysis (related to "Small Area Estimation"): there is a Wiley book, "Statistical Meta-Analysis with Applications", by J. Hartung, G. Knapp and B.K. Sinha , within which Chapter 9 gives an introduction to this topic. • Item-Response Theory Models --- topic in Educational Statistics for 2-way tables cross-classified and parameterized according to Test-Question difficulty and Test-taker abilities. This is essentially the idea suggested in project topic heading (d) on the web-page.