Stat 401 information and links      University of Maryland, College Park

Course information:

Math Department Course Outline

Syllabus part 1: Course information page, for all of Tim Pilachowski’s sections (textbook, academic honesty and grading information)

Syllabus, part 2: Course schedule, section 0301, Fall 2015  (important dates, including homework due dates and exam dates)


Lecture TuTh 9:30-10:45 pm Math Building 0104 (down the stairs one level from the Rotunda and the Engineering Library)

Hand-in homework assignments:

The following will be due at the beginning of Lecture on the dates indicated in the course schedule. You should turn in your homework by hand. If you cannot make it to class that day you may attach it to an email sent to me, unless it is a Minitab project. (Email submissions maximum of twice during the semester.)

I will not to accept any email submissions sent after the start time of our class.


You will need to use Minitab software for some hand-in homeworks listed below.

(These must be handed in as a printout!)

You can get a 30 day free trial, or upload Minitab onto your computer for a little less than $30 for 6 months. Otherwise, you can use any WAM computer lab on campus.

MAC users: If you want Minitab on your computer, Minitab 17 is not MAC compatible. However, Minitab has a new software, called MINITAB Express, which is MAC compatible. It does not yet have the full capabilities of MINITAB 17 but they are updating it all the time.



Homework #1 – from supplement 5.4 supplement Central Limit Theorem, homework exercise 1 (all parts).

solutions (made available after homework is handed in)


Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 1


Homework #2 – section 7.1 #6

also section 7.2 #16, part b only

also section 7.3 #34

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Homework #3 – 9th ed.: section 8.1 #8, 10  (8th ed.: section 8.1 #6, 8)

also 9th ed.: section 8.2 #20, 22  (8th ed.: section 8.2 #20, 26)

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 2, Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 2 data for I.a

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Homework #4 – 9th ed.: section 8.3 #36bc  (8th ed.: section 8.2 #30bc)

also 9th ed.: section 8.3 #38  (8th ed.: section 8.4 #58)

also 9th ed.: section 8.4 #46  (8th ed.: section 8.3 #40)

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Homework #5 – section 9.1 #2, 6a

also section 9.2 #20, 24b

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Homework #6 – section 9.3 #36, 46

also section 9.4 #50a

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 3, Stat401 MINITAB 17 Project 3 data I.a


Homework #7 – section 10.1 #6

also section 10.2 #16, 18

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 4, Stat401 MINITAB 17 Project 4 data I


Homework #8 – section 10.3 #24

also section 12.1 #4b, 8abc

(For #4, you can either draw by hand or use technology)

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 5, Stat401 Minitab 17 Project 5 9th ed chapter 12 question 4


Homework #9 – section 14.1 #6

also section 14.1 #8 (Hint: “within 7 days” includes the birthday itself, so p 1 0 = 15/365.)

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)


Homework #10 – section 14.2 #18

also section 14.3 #30

solutions  (made available after homework is handed in)



Dr. John Millson, who has taught this course in the past, has allowed me to give you the website for his section, and offered you the use of any of the materials from that page. Included on his page are all of his lecture notes and (eventually) solutions to the homework questions he assigns to his students.


Testbank archives of past exams Search the testbank for STAT401, leaving Instructor, Year and Term as “Any”. MATH141 will be of some usefulness as well.

All tests are in Acrobat (.pdf) format, and many print well. For ones that don’t, you can choose the “Select Image” tool, highlight each page as a block, copy it, paste it as a picture into a blank word-processing page, and print from there.

Math Success walk-in tutoring

Learning Assistance Service

Office of Multi-Cultural Student Education (OMSE)

Additional handouts:

Pilachowski's Rules of Mathematics

Need a reminder about basics? What Is a Fraction?, Fraction Computation

Lecture outlines:

first day: Lecture 5.4, 5.4 supplement Central Limit Theorem

            I will assume that you know the material in Chapter 6 (point estimation), including how to calculate a sample mean, a sample standard deviation and sample proportion.

Lecture 7.1, Lecture 7.2, Lecture 7.3

 **Special note for chapter 8: Section numbers below are for the 9th edition of the textbook. I’ll actually be following the approach of the 9th edition, relying on -values as in the 8th edition section 8.4, rather than using rejection regions. In case any of you have the 8th edition, I have included the corresponding section numbers in parentheses.

Lecture 8.1 (8th: 8.1 & 8.4), Lecture 8.2 (8th: 8.2a & 8.4), Lecture 8.3 (8th: 8.2b & 8.4), Lecture 8.4 (8th: 8.3 & 8.4)

Lecture 9.1, Lecture 9.2, Lecture 9.3, Lecture 9.4

Lecture 10.1, Lecture 10.2, Lecture 10.3

Lecture 12.1, Lecture 12.2, Lecture 12.3, Lecture 12.4, Lecture 12.5

Lecture 14.1, Lecture 14.2, Lecture 14.3