Chair, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2020-present
Director, Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland, 2022-present
Director, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), University of Maryland, 2020-2021
Acting Chair, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2019-2020
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2012-2016, 2018-2019
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), University of Maryland, College Park, 2011-present
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), University of Maryland, College Park, 2007-2011
Visiting Professor, Ecole Normal Superieure, Paris 2005-2006
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, 2000-2007
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley, 1998-2000
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, 1998-2000
MD-NCI seed grant, 2022-2024: co-PI with X. Wang (Laboratory of Human Carciogenesis): Methodologies for Serological Profiling in a Multi-Omics Cope Within Liver Cancer.
Simons Foundation, 2021-2026, Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Dynamics and Therapy
UMD-NCI seed grant, 2020-2021: co-PI with Peter Choyke and Noriko Sato (Molecular Imaging Program): Increasing the Efficacy of Dendritic Cell Vaccines in Melanoma and Lymphoma
UMD-NCI seed grant, 2019-2021: co-PI with Xin Wang, Julian Candia (Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis), Eric Slud: Multi-Level Liver Cancer Studies Integrating Intra- and Inter-Tumor Heterogeneity and Systems Biology.
NSF, 2017-2020, Quantifying the Propagation of Resistance to Chemotherapy in Cancer
Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation, co-PI with Heiser, Meyer, Nie, and Peyton, 2017-2020, Understanding the Role of Cell Plasticity in Mediating Drug Resistance
Simons Foundation, 2015-2021, Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Dynamics
UMD-NCI seed grant 2014-2016, co-PI with Jung-Min Lee (Women’s Malignancies Branch, NCI): Modeling Pathways to Therapeutic Targeting of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer and Drug Resistance
Army Research Office conference grant, 2013-2014: Modern Perspectives in Applied Mathematics: Theory and Numerics
NSF conference grant, 2014-2016: Modern Perspectives in Applied Mathematics: Theory and Numerics
Mathematical Association of America, 2014-2015: Tensor-SUMMA: NBA Math Hoops in Prince Georges County.
INRIA International Associated Team, co-PI with Thomas Lepoutre (INRIA Rhone-Alpes): Modeling Leukamia
UMD-NCI seed grant 2012-2013, co-PI with Michael Gottesman (Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute): Resistance to chemotherapy enhanced by spatial propagation of environmental signals
NSF, Division of Undergraduate Education, 2010-2015, co-PI with Thompson, Ad-Marbach, Nelson, and Fagan (Biology, UMB): MathBench biology modules: expansions of implementation and assessment
UMB-UMCP seed grant 2010-2011, co-PI with Jakub Simon (Center for Vaccine Development, UMB): Translational systems biology applied to identifying immunologic correlates in protection in Shigella infection
NSF, 2010, PI. Frontiers in Mathematical Biology: NSF-NIH PIs Meeting
NSF/NIGMS 2008-2014, PI with Devaki Bhaya (Carnegie Institution): Social dynamics, signaling, and surface motility in Cyanobacteria
NIH R01, 2008-2013, Co-PI with Peter Lee (Hematology, Stanford): Interplay between cancer and immune cells on targeted therapy
NIH R01, 2006-2009, With Lei Xing (PI, Radiation Oncology, Stanford): Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) dose optimization
DOD, 2006-2011, With Peter Lee (PI, Hematology, Stanford) and Susan Holmes (Statistics, Stanford): Immunobiology, systems biology, and immunotherapy of breast cancer
NSF Career, 2002-2007, PI: Partial differential equation-based image processing with applications to radiation oncology
Keynote: Joint Integrative Cancer Biology Program and Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers Mathematical Modeling Meeting, Moffitt Cancer Center, February 2015
Invited talk: Cancer and the Immune System, MBI, Ohio, November 2014
Invited talk: Workshop on Systems Biology, Peking University, September 2014
Plenary talk: International Workshop on Numerical Methods and Emerging Computational Challenges in Mathematical Biology, Dundee, UK, May 2014
Plenary speaker: Sydney International Workshop on Math Models of Tumor-Immune System Dynamics, Sydney, Australia, January 2013
Invited talk: Leverhulme International Network: Numerical and Analytical Solution of Stochastic Delay Differential Equations, University of Chester, UK, September 2011
Recent Development in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Multicellular Structures, ICIAM Mini-Symposium, Vancouver, July 2011
Invited talk: International Conference in Honor of Saul Abarbanel's 80th Birthday, Tel Aviv, June 2011
Flow Structure Interactions, Special Session, AMS Western Section, Las Vegas, April 2011
Invited talk: SIAM Great Lakes Conference on Modeling and Numerical PDEs in Mathematical Biology and Applications, Oakland University, Michigan, April 2011
Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine, Special Session, AMS Southeastern Section, Richmond, VA, November 2010
Colloquium and seminar talks: Cornell, Berkeley, Yale, Stanford, Clarkson, Brown, George Washington, Georgia Tech, University of Vienna, Cornell, New Jersey Tech, University of Arizona, University of Utah, Columbia, Arizona State, Duke, Rutgers, ENS Paris, Maryland, UC Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Chicago, UC San Diego, Michigan State, Toronto, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser, Oakland University, Murray State, Towson, North Carolina State, Tulane, UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Davis,...