AMSC/CMSC 466, Section 0101, Spring 2015 (Harland Glaz)

See the Course Site on UMD CANVAS


GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The official Math Dept. course description is here - AMSC 466 SYLLABUS
Prerequisites: Math 240 and 241, CMSC 106.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: We cover numerical methods for solving

Textbook (required): An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Endre Suli and David F. Mayers, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0521007948.
Textbook Web Site

Textbook (required): Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Cleve Moler,
Textbook Web Site
where you can download the entire text AND the m-files;
SIAM link to order hardcopy (recommended),

Lecture Notes Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Doron Levy


Academic Integrity You should be familiar with the University's policies on Academic Integrity, including the Honor Pledge.

TESTBANK (the Math Department's online archive of past exams)

MIDTERM DATES: FINAL EXAM -- Thursday, May 14, 2014 ; 8:00 -- 10:00 AM

Home page of Harland Glaz