AMSC/CMSC 466, Section 0101, Spring 2015 (Harland Glaz)
See the Course Site on UMD CANVAS
AMSC 466-0101
Course Title: Numerical Analysis
Instructor: Prof. Harland Glaz
Instructor Info: MTH 4405 ; 301.405.5470
Instructor Email: hmg AT math DOT umd DOT edu
Classroom: ARM 0121
Time: TuTh 11:00 - 12:15
GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The official Math Dept. course
description is here -
AMSC 466 SYLLABUSPrerequisites: Math 240 and 241, CMSC 106.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: We cover numerical methods for solving
Floating Point arithmetic; Sources of Error; Conditioning
Nonlinear equations
Linear systems (square) and Least Squares
Nonlinear Systems
Numerical Differentiation
(Time permitting) ODE's (scalar and systems)
Other topics, time permitting
Midterm Exams - 35%
Homework + Quizzes - 35%
Final Exam - 30%
Textbook (required):
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Endre Suli and David F.
Mayers, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0521007948.
Textbook Web Site Textbook (required):
Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Cleve Moler,
Textbook Web Site
where you can download the entire text AND the m-files;
SIAM link to order hardcopy (recommended), Lecture Notes
Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Doron Levy
Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of
Algorithms, Anne Greenbaum and Timothy P. Chartier, Princeton
University Press, 2012, ISBN: 978-0691151229.
Web Site
Numerical Mathematics and Computing, Ward Cheney and David Kincaid,
Thomson Brooks-Cole, 2008, ISBN 978-0-495-11475-8.
Numerical Methods and Software, David Kahaner, Cleve Moler and
Stephen Nash, Prentice Hall, 1988, ISBN 978-0136272588.
Academic Integrity
You should be familiar with the University's policies on
Academic Integrity, including the Honor Pledge.
TESTBANK (the Math Department's online archive of past exams)