How to label Matlab output and graphs


How to display and label numerical output

You can print out numerical values as follows:

format                            % use default format (same as 'format short')

r = 3;
area_circle = pi*r^2
fprintf('radius = %g, area of circle = %g\n',r,area_circle)    % 5 significant digits
fprintf('radius = %g, area of circle = %.15g\n',r,area_circle) % 15 significant digits

disp(' ')
x = (-20:5:20)';                  % column vector with -20,-15,...,20

                                  % default 'scaled fixed point format', not very useful
disp('Values of exp(x) (using default format):')

format short g                    %  show 5 significant digits for each entry
disp('Values of exp(x) (using format short g):')

format long g                     %  show 15 significant digits for each entry
disp('Values of exp(x) (using format long g):')
area_circle =


radius = 3, area of circle = 28.2743
radius = 3, area of circle = 28.2743338823081
Values of exp(x) (using default format):
   1.0e+08 *

   -0.0000    0.0000
   -0.0000    0.0000
   -0.0000    0.0000
   -0.0000    0.0000
         0    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0327
    0.0000    4.8517

Values of exp(x) (using format short g):
          -20   2.0612e-09
          -15    3.059e-07
          -10     4.54e-05
           -5    0.0067379
            0            1
            5       148.41
           10        22026
           15    3.269e+06
           20   4.8517e+08

Values of exp(x) (using format long g):
                       -20      2.06115362243856e-09
                       -15      3.05902320501826e-07
                       -10      4.53999297624848e-05
                        -5       0.00673794699908547
                         0                         1
                         5          148.413159102577
                        10          22026.4657948067
                        15          3269017.37247211
                        20           485165195.40979

How to label graphs

Use the title, xlabel, ylabel, legend commands:

x=0:.1:10; y1=sin(x); y2=cos(x);
title('Trigonometric functions')   % title on top of graph
xlabel('x')                        % label x-axis
ylabel('y')                        % label y-axis
legend('sin(x)','cos(x)')          % label each curve