Lie Group and Representation Theory Seminar

Old Schedules


Spring 2006:

January 31
Speaker: Jeffrey Adams (Maryland)
Title: Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials for E8 (abstract)

February 7:
Speaker: Stephen DeBacker (University of Michigan)
Title: "L-packets" done incorrectly (abstract)


February 21:
Speaker: Brian Smithling (University of Chicago)
Title: Some structure results on the moduli stack of formal Lie groups (abstract)

February 28:
Speaker: Elizabeth Mann (MIT)
Title: Real groups, Satake isomorphism and Vogan duality (abstract)

March 14:
Speaker: Binyong Sun (Beijing and Maryland)
Title: Matrix coefficients of cohomologically induced representation L-packets (abstract)

April 4:
Speaker: Jeffrey Adams
Title: Combinatorics of the algorithm, aka the Tits group

April 18:
Speaker: Harry Tamvakis
Title: Cohomology of isotropic Grassmannians: from local to global

April 25:
Speaker: Tom Haines
Title: Recent Progress on Affine Deligne-Lusztig Varieties

May 2:
Speaker: Jeffrey Adams
Title: Lifting of Characters for non-linear real groups (abstract)

May 9:
Speaker: Tom Haines (Maryland)
Title: More pictures and results for affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties