MATLAB  for Math 241 (Section 1801)

A computer platform such as MATLAB allows us to deal with more complicated and/or interesting problems than are accessible by hand. In this section of MATH 241, you will be using a sequence of Microsoft Word-MATLAB notebooks to learn about MATLAB and its applications to multivariate calculus. While there will be occasional  demonstrations in class,  you will need to invest some time in playing with these notebooks in order to gain familiarity with MATLAB. You may also wish to attend a peer training course in MATLAB. If so, you should act quickly as the courses are only offered early in the semester. As an incentive, you have permission to use MATLAB in connection with the homework problems assigned from Ellis and Gulick. You should bear in mind, however, that you will be expected to be  able to work such problems on examinations without the help of MATLAB.  There will also be four explicit MATLAB assignments, the details  of  which will be announced shortly.

 In order to use the notebooks provided here, you will need both MATLAB and Microsoft word with the notebook interface enabled. This configuration is available at the following locations:

Here are links to the notebooks; the first few are already active; the rest will be  activated shortly.  The notebooks should be opened in Microsoft Word, which in turn will open MATLAB. While you can open them in place, it is probably best to save them first in  your own workspace so that you can modify them and save your modifications.

Introduction to MATLAB
Calculus with MATLAB
Lines and Planes
Surfaces and functions of  several variables
The gradient
Critical Points
Lagrange multipliers
Double integrals
Triple integrals
Change of variables
Line integrals
Surface integrals
Green's theorem and Stokes' theorem

Some of these notebooks use m-files (MATLAB functions) that are not supplied with MATLAB but have been created in this department. Here is a link to a directory that contains those files. You should download them to a directory on the computer you are using, to which you can give MATLAB the path with an add path  command.