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Velocity averaging lemmas (tex2html_wrap_inline5949)

We deal with solutions to transport equations
The averaging lemmas, [13], [12], [11], state that in the generic non-degenerate case, averaging over the velocity space, tex2html_wrap_inline5951, yields a gain of spatial regularity. The prototype statement reads
Variants of the averaging lemmas were used by DiPerna and Lions to construct global weak (renormalized) solutions of Boltzmann, Vlasov-Maxwell and related kinetic systems, [9], [10]; in Bardos et. al., [1], averaging lemmas were used to construct solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We turn our attention to their use in the context of nonlinear conservation laws and related equations.

Proof.(Sketch). We shall sketch the proof in the particular case, p=q which will suffice to demonstrate the general tex2html_wrap_inline5963 case.

Let tex2html_wrap_inline5965 denote the set where the symbol tex2html_wrap_inline5967 is 'small',
and decompose the average, tex2html_wrap_inline5969 accordingly:
Here, tex2html_wrap_inline5971 represents the usual smooth partitioning relative to tex2html_wrap_inline5973 and its complement, tex2html_wrap_inline5975. On tex2html_wrap_inline5977, the symbol is 'bounded away' from zero, so we gain one derivative:
On tex2html_wrap_inline5979 - along the `non uniformly elliptic' rays, we have no gain of regularity, but instead, our non-degeneracy assumption implies that tex2html_wrap_inline5981 is a 'small' set and therefore
Both (2.2.12) and (2.2.13) are straightforward for p=2 and by estimating the corresponding tex2html_wrap_inline5985 multipliers, the case tex2html_wrap_inline5987 follows by interpolation. Finally, we consider the K-functional

The behavior of this functional, tex2html_wrap_inline5991, characterize the smoothness of tex2html_wrap_inline5993 in the intermediate space between tex2html_wrap_inline5995 and tex2html_wrap_inline5997: more precisely, tex2html_wrap_inline5993 belongs to Besov space tex2html_wrap_inline6001 with 'intermediate' smoothness of order tex2html_wrap_inline6003.
Now set tex2html_wrap_inline6005, then with appropriately scaled tex2html_wrap_inline6007 we find that tex2html_wrap_inline5991 with tex2html_wrap_inline6011. This means that tex2html_wrap_inline6013 belongs to Besov space, tex2html_wrap_inline6015 and (2.2.9) (with p=q=r) follows. tex2html_wrap_inline6019

Remark. In the limiting case of tex2html_wrap_inline6021 in (2.2.8), one finds that if
then averaging is a compact mapping, tex2html_wrap_inline6023. The case p=2 follows from Gèrard's results [12].

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Eitan Tadmor
Mon Dec 8 17:34:34 PST 1997