Future lectures

[Past lectures]

[Selected lectures]

Past lectures   [1986][1987][1988][1989][1990][1991][1992][1993][1994][1995][1996][1997]

  • KinMAT kinetic description of collective dynamics
    Warsaw, June 3-7 2024
  • NHR60
    (in honor of Nils Henrik Risebro)
    The Norwegian Academy, Oslo, September 12-14 2022
  • Swarm-Smart: Group motion and decision making in experiments and theory
    Weizmann Institute, July 6 2022
  • 7th international conference on High performance Scientific Computing
    Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
    Hanoi University of Science & Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 19-23 2018

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  • Scientific Computing ICM 2002 Satellite Conference
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, August 15-18, 2002

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  • Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
    Lhasa, Tibet, July 2001

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  • Differential Equations and Applied Analysis
    Braude College Carmiel, Israel, May 1999
  • Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Hyperbolic Systems
    Heraklion, Crete, July 1998

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  • The 2nd Int'l Workshop on Nonlinear Kinetic Theories and Mathematical Aspects of Hyperbolic Systems
    San Remo, Italy, September 1994
  • INRIA School on "Methode Numeriques d'Ordre eleve Pour les Ondes en Regime Transitoire"
    INRIA -- Rocquencourt, France, January 1994
  • RWTH Aachen Seminar on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws -- Theory and Numerical Analysis
    Padeborn, Germany, October 1993
  • International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Partial Differential Equations (ICNEPDE)
    Beijing, June 1993

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  • Joint American-Israeli Workshop on "Advanced Scientific Computing for the 90's"
    Neve-Ilan, Israel, June 1992
  • TAU-NYU Joint Workshop on "Applied Mathematics -- Research and Education"
    Tel-Aviv University, Israel, June 1992
  • ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics
    Reading, England, April 1992
  • The Nordic Summer school on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics
    Sydkoster, Sweden, August 20-25 1990
  • The 1st International Conference On Spectral And High-Order Methods (ICOSAHOM)
    Como, Italy, June 1989
  • The 11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
    Williamsburg, Virginia, 1988
  • The 1st International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    Paris, 1987
  • The Winter Annual Meeting of the Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineering
    Anaheim, December 1986
  • 1st World Congress on Computational Mechanics
    Austin, Texas, August 1986

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